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Investment projects need get investment policy approval from the Provincial People’s Committee in Viet Nam

The original article Investment projects need get investment policy approval from Provincial People’s Committee in Viet Nam Today, business investment plays a very important role in the economy. Therefore, in order to ensure that business investment activities are managed by the State, in line with the country’s main strategy, the procedure for approving investment policy…

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When do documents issued by foreign countries need to be authenticated or consular legalized in Viet Nam?

The original article When do documents issued by foreign countries need to be authenticated or consular legalized in Viet Nam? Documents issued by competent authority of foreign countries, in order to be recognized and used in Viet Nam, it is necessary to carry out procedures for authentication or consular legalization. So how are these procedures…

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Contractor tax for international domain name registration services (.com; .io, etc.)

Question: Recently, Vietnamese businesses register international domains through overseas suppliers (e.g. units:,,, etc.) or use attached services, such as storage, security, etc. at these units, do they need to declare contractor tax? Looking for an answer. Answer: Currently, according to tax regulations, the VAT rate applied to domain name registration is divided…

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Legal consequences of non-existent capital in Viet Nam

Legal consequences of non-existent capital in Viet Nam Original article written in Vietnamese Hậu quả pháp lý của việc tăng vốn ảo Review of Finance of Viet Nam commented: “Increasing non-existent capital is a successful increase in capital on the books, but the actual cash flow sees no changes”. Businesses raise non-existent capital for different…

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How to handle when company owes employees salary in Viet Nam

How to handle when company owes employees salary in Viet Nam Original article written in Vietnamese Cách xử lý khi công ty nợ lương Salary is one of the main motivations of an employee for working. However, in fact, there are many situations where companies owe labour wages, especially in the context of the current…

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To become teacher without pedagogy degree in Viet Nam?

To become teacher without pedagogy degree in Viet Nam? Original article in Vietnamese To become teacher without pedagogy degree in Viet Nam Situation: Hello everyone, I am a final year student majoring in French – English language. I want to be a secondary school teacher of foreign languages, but I don’t have a pedagogy degree.…

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Capital increase in joint-stock companies in Viet Nam

Capital increase in joint-stock companies in Viet Nam Original article written in Vietnamese Tăng vốn công ty cổ phần Vietnamese enterprises are established and operate under different types, among which joint-stock company is commonly chosen due to its advantages when entering global integration. A joint-stock company has the features of a capital-based company (Original terms…

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Procedures for registering commercial franchising from overseas into Vietnam

At this point, franchising is no longer the new definition. This is a form of commercial activity, whereby franchisors permit and require franchisees to undertake by themselves to purchase or sell goods or provide services on the certain conditions[1]. At present, not only Vietnamese businesses are progressively interested in participating in activities together, but foreign…

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